What is a Yellow Jacket?
Yellow Jackets are a type of wasp found in North America. Commonly confused with bumble bees, yellow jackets can be distinguished by their brighter and shinier yellow color and their aggressive behaviour.
Are Yellow Jackets dangerous?
Yellow Jackets are much more aggressive than bumble bees. When stung it can be more painful because yellow jackets bite and sting at the same time. For someone who is allergic, yellow jackets can be lethal.
How do I know if I have a Yellow Jacket nest?
First, look around you. If you noticed an increased amount of yellow jackets or “wasps” then you may have a nest located somewhere on or near your property. Yellow jackets form nests both above and below ground, so it is important to look carefully as it may not be obvious. Small stones and dirt piling up near the opening of a burrow is a sign of an underground nest.
How do I get rid of Yellow Jackets?
To get rid of a nest you can spray their nests with soap and water or try buying a wasp trap. A serious nest though should be removed by professionals. Contact Bug Doctor Pest Control
and we will remove the nest for you so you don’t have to worry about it.
How to prevent a Yellow Jacket infestation?
Yellow Jackets are attracted to food, especially sweet foods. There are a few things you can do…
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